Hello, I’m Tim Holthaus. Since 2015, I am working in transport research. My research focuses on the processing of big and novel data (mobile network data, floating car data, etc.) for transportation planning and transportation research, including data fusion and, if possible, record linkage. The intention is to be able to predict various affecting variables while taking into account all levels of influence in the interaction of mobility options and spatial distribution of sources and destinations in the analysis. In my research, I focused on network planning and the functional classification of spaces, urban logistics, especially the extension of the concept of urban logistics to all relevant actors, and a large-scale analysis of public transportation accessibility and its comparison with car accessibility. The latter are based on my dissertation’s EU-wide network model, which was parameterized using floating car data.

In addition to my research, I am eager to put research findings into practice. That is why I started working as a freelancer in 2018 where I have advised several well-known offices since then.

In my spare time, I try to contribute my knowledge to open source projects and citizen initiatives.


  • Lebensmittel Zeitung: Schwer im Kommen. Ausgabe 35 vom 2. September 2022, Seite 30-31.